December 31, 2008

A Happy New Year from All of Us

We were hoping to mark the end of 2008 with a series of non-newsy posts. We were planning to post a number of top-10s: greatest moments of the year, greatest tragedies of the year, most worrying new trends, most interesting routines you might have missed, most fervent wishes for the new year, best and worst changes in the 2009 Code, and so on. But in the end, we spectacularly ran out of time, meaning you're not going to get any of the top-10s we were contemplating. Not from us, anyway. Other blogs have been doing a good job of reviewing the year that was. We particularly recommend The Couch Gymnast's year-in-review post, which very much echoes what we ourselves would have said, had we had time to write such a post. Good job, Couchie! We agree with most of your choices.

As for what we'll be writing about over the next few weeks, well, we have a back log you wouldn't believe. We have a ton of recent and less recent interviews we hope to translate for you at some point, plus some profiles we'd like to write, and on top of that we expect the news stories to keep pouring in despite the fact that the season is over. Because if there's one thing we've learned over the last few months, it's that there's always something going on in the gymnastics world, even when it seems all should be quiet. We're already wondering where our next scandal will come from. Bets, anyone?

Anyhow, enough of all that. We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Very Happy New Year. Thank you for reading our blog in 2008, and see you around in 2009!

Leap into the new year with us...

... and have a safe landing!

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